We Care, We Share Foundation
What does the House 2 Home We Care, We Share Foundation do?
The House 2 Home We Care, We Share Foundation was established in 2022. The 501 c3 not-for-profit organization began with $12,500 earned through fundraisers and donations by local businesses who care. These funds are safely invested and available for charitable giving to Southern Illinoisans in need.
Mission Statement:
The House 2 Home We Care, We Share Foundation provides assistance and relief to Southern Illinoisans experiencing financial challenges, health crises and food insecurity through the collective generosity of its caring brokers and community donors.
Who benefits?
Southern Illinoisans and local charitable groups with specific needs that our board agrees are both real and reasonable.
How are recipients chosen?
Currently, House 2 Home brokers submit application forms based on needs they see during their work in Southern Illinois com munities. Our brokers keep their eyes and ears open for individuals in need. They then fill out the form and submit it to the foundation board for further consideration.
How will funds be raised?
Several future fundraisers are planned, and the H2H We Care, We Share Board will be calling on support from both H2H brokers and the Southern Illinois community as a whole.